Our Mission
Enhancing the lives of individuals affected by brain injury through cultivating connections with information, services and resources.



Cost Effectiveness





Cost Effectiveness


Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley (BICSV) is the result of years of grassroots advocacy and mobilization led by Pat Harrison (aka Pat Wilkins) and the Greater Shenandoah Valley Brain Injury Support Group. This group advocated for increased funding and services for brain injury survivors in the Shenandoah Valley after experiencing first-hand the difficulties individuals face when returning to their communities following a brain injury.

The Greater Shenandoah Valley Brain Injury Support Group formed Crossroads to Brain Injury Recovery, Inc. as a separate 501 (c) 3 organization.
Crossroads received an appropriation from the Virginia General Assembly to implement the program. These state general funds are administered by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services.
Crossroads was accepted as an affiliate member of James Madison University’s Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services (IIHHS) and moved into offices now located in the Campbell Building on the university’s campus.
Crossroads continued to expand, opening a satellite office at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center in Fishersville.
Crossroads to Brain Injury Recovery changed its name to Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley.
BICSV added the county of Rappahannock to our service area and joined Valley Healthy Families at their office in Woodstock.
BICSV’s current service area encompasses the counties of Rockingham, Augusta, Page, Shenandoah, Bath, Highland, Rockbridge, and Rappahannock, and all the cities located within.
Diversity and Inclusion Plan
At Brain Injury Connections of the Shenandoah Valley (BICSV), a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feels valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our programs and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard. We’re committed to modeling diversity and inclusion for the entire brain injury services industry throughout nonprofit sectors and to maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all.